Version control systems(VSC)

5 min readMar 26, 2021

A software development teams living their coding lifestyles without using GitHub VSC is like various families communicating to each other without mobile phones or any other electronic means of transmission.

Therefore, what’s version control system?

Version control system(according to google) is a kind of software that uses Git technology to helps the developer team to efficiently communicate and manage(track) all the changes that have been made to the source code along with the information like who made and what change has been made.


Version control system is simply a software powered with Git(git is free and open source)that promotes efficient sharing, editing, saving and management of projects for developer team.

What's Git?


Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Installing Git

  1. Click this link
  2. Click download 2.31.0 for windows
Git official website

3. Then wait for it to download.

4. After downloading open the download folder and double click to install and the below will appear.

5. Follow the instructions there until you finish installing.

6. I recommend only click next and install.

Setup frame of git


GitHub is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code.

Account opening in GitHub

Before manipulating GitHub you must have an account.

Creating account:

  1. open your browser and type in the URL tab.

2. Click on sign up.

3. Then enter your email and other instructions given to you, please heed to them.

4. After that sign in with your username and password, your next page will appear similar to this.

Exploring GitHub

Creating repository:

  1. Click on the + button at the black nav.
  2. Choose new repository.

3. Type the name of the repository.

4. Scroll down and click create repository.

5. The next page will be similar to this.

As you can see my repository’s name is Model1

Batching with Git

  1. Click your window’s button
  2. Locate your window’s notepad and select.

3. Type any sentence in it as much as you can, save it to your desktop and close it.

4. Create a new folder, move the file to the new folder and close the folder.

As you can see file’s name is Obi Bio

5. Now go to your desktop and right click on that new folder, select Git Batch Here something like this will appear.

Git terminal

6. Type following after the dollar sign and press enter key:

echo "Hello World " >>

Explanation/NB: This command typed creates a README file with those quoted words in it(a README file is descriptive note of your project/work). Also note that in git mitty terminal most things is done with the keyboard. Ex. the blinking cursor bar is only moved with the keyboard arrows and you only copy and paste things with your mouse only. Press the enter key after each command you type.


Type this after $ sign:

git init

Explanation: This command initializes your git repository.


Typed this after $ sign:

git add

Explanation: This command add the README file to git.


Type this after $:

git add .

Explanation: This command add the file you created with notepad.


Next, type this and press enter key:

git commit -m "Type anything you want"

Explanation: This command means you made git to have full access to your files.


Next, type this and enter:

git branch -M main

Explanation: This command direct your file to GitHub main branch. At default every new repository has a main branch.



Go back to your browser where your new repository was created.

Copy your repository link and go back to your git mitty terminal. As you can see mine is

when you are on git mitty terminal type

git remote add origin

give a space and paste the link, like this

git remote add origin

Explanation: This command link your file to your that GitHub repository.

and press your enter key.

Your next screen will be like this,

Finally, push your file to GitHub by typing,

git push -u origin main

and press enter key.


When you see these things

$ git push -u origin mainEnumerating objects: 4, done.Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.Delta compression using up to 8 threadsCompressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 294 bytes | 73.00 KiB/s, done.Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0To* [new branch]      main -> mainBranch 'main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'origin'.

This shows your file is push successfully .

If you add another file to your new folder and want push it.

Simply type these,

git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

N/B: After each command execute by pressing the enter key.

Thanks and Happy Git batching to team.🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆




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